Flutter Null Safety Operators and its uses. (Part 2)

Flutter Null Safety Operators and its uses. (Part 2)


In todays' article, we will see 3 null safety Flutter operators and their uses. This is part 2. In part 1, we saw the different null aware operators and their use cases. You can read the first part here. So without wasting any time, let's get started


The ? mark operator is used to make any non-nullable data-type nullable. So if I write something like this

String x = null;

This will give me an error. But if I like it like this

String ? x = null;

This works fine! We use the ? operator with the variables we are unsure about.


! operator is used for giving exceptions whenever we are accessing the value of a potentially null variable

String? x = null;
print(x);  // error
print(!x). // throws exception

String? y = 'data';
print(y) // error
print(!y) // prints data.


A late keyword tells the compiler that a particular variable is initialized later in time.

String y; // error
late String y; // works fine
y = 'data';


So this concludes a short and concise article on some more null safety operators. I hope you learned something new today. These are small things in Dart and Flutter that beginners ignore but this can really save you from some very bad and frustrating null-check errors.

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