In the previous articles, we saw about the basics of 1-D Vectors. Just like a 1-Dimensional vector, we have a 2-Dimensional vector as well. So, how is it different from the 1D vector?. Let's dive deep.
What is a 2D Vector?
- 2D vector is a vector of a vector.
- 2D vectors are often treated as a matrix with “rows” and “columns” inside it. Under the hood they are actually elements of the 2D vector.
- All the properties that applies to a 1D vector is true for 2D vector as well.
Use Case of a 2D Vector?
Well a 2D vector/ Matrix is one of the most important data structures. A variety of data can be stored in matrices. One example is:
- To store the scores of 5 matches of 5 batsmen. Here we can use a 5x5 matrix where each row will be a batsman and the 5 columns in it will be his/her scores of a particular game.
- A matrix is also used to represent a graph data structure. It is called as an adjacency matrix. We will cover it in detail in some other article.
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<vector<int>> vec1 = {
{1,2,3,4,5}, // batsman 1
{3,4,2,1,5}, // ...2
{6,7,4,2,1}, // ...3
{7,6,4,8,9}, // ...4
{5,4,3,7,8} // ..5
General Syntax and Complexities of 2D Vector.
- A 2D vector can be initialized in multiple ways. Just like the 1D vector, there are some useful inbuilt functions for a 2D vector as well. Talking about syntax, this is how you initialize a vector and perform some basic operations on it.
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<vector<int>>vec2; // initializing a vector.
vector<vector<int>>vec3(5,vector<int>(4,0)); // initializing a vector of size 5x4 with all 0 in it.
vec2.push_back({1,2,3,4}); // pushing a vector inside a 2d vector.
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
vec3[i][j]=i+j; // another way to add elements to the 2d vector.
The four major operations that you will perform is searching, inserting, accessing, and deleting. The time complexities are as follows. *- Search: O(MN)
- Insert at a particular position: O(M*N)
- Push an element in the end: O(1)
- Delete at a particular position: O(M*N)
- Pop an element: O(1)
- Well, this concludes the article. Now you have a good idea about the structure of a 2D vector, its time complexities and how it is different from 1D vector.
- This article is enough to get you started with 2d vectors. Play around with it on your IDE and explore more by yourself.